How to let yourself off the hook for pretending(?)
This is the question of the day. Maybe older, more experienced ACoN's will know what I mean when I say that. It's a secret to my personal life that I pretend a lot of feelings I don't have. Not so much anymore but USED to. When I was dealing with all the crap from the N's. Pretending things were okay was my defense mechanism to deal with utter chaos in my life. The out-of-control-ness that comes with being emotionally and mentally manipulated into believing you MUST live out someone else's version of your own life. Or else. After some introspection I really think this is what lies between me and recovery from the manipulation. Total honesty. Forgiving myself, letting myself off the hook for going along with their game. Shoot- I didn't know better. I didn't know I COULD. But now that I do, it's hard. It's hard to look back on what should have been happy, momentous occasions in my life that I spent sobbing behind closed doors. To come to terms with...