Narcs give terrible gifts

I've heard time and time again horror stories of people who have had their narc give them awful, awful presents. A box of food with the food gone bad or half eaten.... clothes with holes and dirt on them.... tampered with packages indicative of the narc's obvious regift.

When ABIL and BSIL got married they gave DH a gift card (cheap by the way) that wouldn't even cover a dinner for the two of us. I suppose that's still better than the gift from ABIL to DH- another tiny gift card to a restaurant he knew full well DH disliked immensely. But maybe that doesn't even compare to the lack of any present for our wedding, the hoarding by them of a few wedding presents from OTHER family members who could not make it. (They still have these by the way) on top of a time share they weren't going to use that did us no good as we couldn't pay for travel to the spot.

N's are notorious for giving bad gifts, gifts the receiver can't use or doesn't need. They may claim amnesia regarding things you like or dislike, or 'forget' you really don't need that used, rusty cheese grater. In their twisted minds they are giving you the GIFT OF A LIFETIME! Something they can't use. But it was at one time or another in their possession so obviously- it should be treated like a freakin' four leaf clover because it has been blessed by their delirious presence. Seriously. They expect their regifts to be treated and taken like sacred relics or something. St. Narc's toenail clipping- because obviously, it holds some magic power to bless people and get them closer to heaven. Right???


  1. SO right. The gifts they give (or don't give) are pretty much always inappropriate, and usually aimed to hurt and insult the receiver in some way. If you luck out and get something decent from them, it's very likely that it was an accident on the narc's part. And even those half-way decent gifts you MIGHT get still have strings attached.

    I don't want to be in the narc's line of vision enough to even be considered for a damn gift.

  2. How funny--just today I was speaking with co-workers about the holidays and the really inexplicable, horrible gifts. Or worse--gifts that look phernomenal on the outside, but are a slap in the face. For example, the first year I went off to college (early 1980s), my NFOO all banded together to buy me a VCR, at a time when they were very expensive. Generous gift, no? Well, no; I didn't own a television, nor did my roommates, nor anyone in my dorm. This was in the days before cable television was widespread, and my college was in a valley that got no television reception. This was not a secret. So, there I was on Christmas day at my parents' house, stuck with a gift that was absolutely useless, and branded an ingrate and selfish because I was not sobbingly grateful.


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