Fire the Nanny - obviously, she's wrong

Let me set the scene. As a new mom I bear witness to a lot of other new moms (and old moms) and have seen the crazy-isms of the horribleness that is a momster at the start of ruining their child's life. Too harsh? Maybe but that's just my point of view.

You can spot them in a crowd. The moms who are often dressed well, wearing the latest fashion, scrambling off after working all day to pick up their children from some expensive Montessori school or daycare. The women who LOOK like they have it all together. These are often truly miserable people behind closed doors.

Today I witnessed a momster being petty and psycho- nothing new really- except this drastically changes the life of her little son. I'm not friends with her but I know her. She avoids me. I avoid her. Today I overheard what was actually going on in her life and wow- I know it's gossip- and I don't repeat gossip- so listen closely! ;)

She fired her nanny and gave the nanny a good talking to as well. Why? Well, psycho bitch has been a nightmare to her husband and family and those who work FOR her since the start. Suffering from 'PTSD' from a husband-led birthing experience that did not go HER way. (not to belittle PTSD from birth- overall my son's birth was traumatic to everyone but not because I was affected- but because his heart rate plummeted and he almost didn't make it while I hemorrhaged- praise God for modern medicine, eh? Not to pat myself on the back- but someone must have a cushy life to get PTSD 'self diagnosed' from a birth plan gone wrong because- you know- life happens lol) Rabbit trail aside. Everyone knew she was going to be a momster before the kid was born.

Today she fired her nanny (a mother of three kids)- not for anything a nanny should be fired for. I know. I was one. I nannied for a family with multiple children and it was the best job (and worst) of my life. I know the ins and outs of childcare, especially high-end childcare. This nanny was politely asking psycho bitch to pick up her son 45 minutes earlier in the day because she had to get her own daughter prepared for extracurricular activities after school, earlier this week she was unable to due to the late pick up time. She also thinks psycho bitch's son needs more to eat during the day. As a baby exclusively breastfed miss crunchy psycho mom refuses to give him anything but the breast- even though the kid is underweight and hungry- which leads to crying and not sleeping. Poor kid. But no. This selfish woman is right. The nanny is not. She's upset because the nanny was a good nanny and suggested to her that her son gets more to eat as SHE is the one to see this child go hungry because of mommy-dearest's strict 'only the breast' philosophy when it's clearly not working for them.

This is a good nanny. The poor woman is raising three kids herself and is trying to stick to the impossibly high expectations of psycho bitch but simply has a hard time doing so- you know- because she has OTHER kids and the psycho's gremlin-esque son is not her only priority. A bad nanny would give the kid formula or supplement other ways if he was hungry, but no- she wanted to talk with the mom and come to a new plan of action that was going to work for everyone. A bad nanny wouldn't bring up concerns like this, a good one will.

And so this psycho lady fires the nanny, gives her a 'piece of her mind' and then badmouths the girl to anyone who will listen. All because she had the audacity to bring up the fact that her little one was hungry and because of that, difficult to care for during the day. And you know what? STUPID people agree with the psycho mom!!! That's what blows my mind.

Rewind to when she was gushing all about this new caregiver and saying she was a god-send. Why is she no longer a god-send? Well- because she didn't do what psycho bitch had outlined in her 100 pg manual of how to care for her precious goblin kid (no- seriously, he's ugly).

The REAL victim here probably isn't the psycho mom or the nanny- but the kid- the kid who is underfed and underweight whose mother cares more about being right and seen as right 100% of the time regardless of whether she's realistic or not.

Sound familiar?

It blows my mind how some people believe narcs. And yes- I know I can get on a soapbox and preach. But it just gets under my skin!

No money in the world will buy this lady the kind heart she is missing. Sadly- it's the kids that suffer. Poor little gremlin child.


  1. That child was me. Dad became suspicious many years ago because I was always crying-until I stopped crying and just laid there. He brought me to the pediatrician who dxd. me with what is now called Failure to Thrive. She was starving me. She was an RN., BS and I had an older sib so it wasn't like Psychobitch didn't have OJT and OJT. I was bottle fed.
    The MD told Dad, "Feed that baby when ever she wants to eat." So the "Help" and Dad got right to it. No, she was not suffering from PPD, just being her nasty-ass self who liked the idea of kids but not the reality they were not dolls you could stick back on a shelf when you became bored playing with them or pull their heads off-without getting caught: That was the only limit on her behavior.
    Shoulda be toe tagged by 3, latest by 13.

  2. ugh- I am so so sorry, TW :( it makes this mama angry to hear of kids (or even people who are adults now) who got that kind of treatment. You're exactly right! It's not right or healthy when a mom treats her child(ren) like dolls.

  3. I was so fortunate to have Dad, Ms. Gracie. Having one sane parent helps tremendously to mitigate the impact of a Cluster B "mother." It would have been far, far worse if he wasn't around. Remember as well, coming from an affluent background also provides additional cover for these types of "Mothers." The likelihood of ever coming to the attention of the authorities etc. was about zilch: "Things like THAT don't happen in THOSE families!"
    As you observed, wanna bet?!


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