What is and what can never be
I've been watching, listening to a lot of children's programming lately and one theme that keeps coming up is family. Even though it's fantastic to promote good family relationships I can't help but feel a little sick to my stomach as 'but we're family' turns into 'but they're familyyyyyy' in my mind. I know you can empathize with this. Watching a show or listening to a story where it was all just a huge misunderstanding and family members always work it through. I'm sorry, but real life just isn't the Waltons. Maybe this is one of the reasons I love the Harry Potter series. A supporting character, Sirius Black is shown to be excommunicated from his family of origin because they really were that wicked. He finds comfort and 'family' in his godson as well as close friends who take the place of his abusive family life. It's really quite remarkable. A children's story that doesn't emphasize the importance of indoctrinat...