Calories and Narcs

You know when someone offers to have a slice of something indulgent with you- as if to block out the calorie-guilt? There's a misconception I think we're all familiar with that if you share a slice of cheesecake with someone who's also having a slice of cheesecake, it's somehow less fattening.

I was reminded of this time and time again recently and it seems like something to share. Oftentimes, people indulging in something that's bad for them will want you to share it with them. A bad attitude, a poor outlook on life- actual calories haha- or bad relationships with a frienemy. Misery loves company and I know of many people who want to share their negative vice with others. Why? Well, I guess it makes them feel better about their choice.

Don't be sucked into the mentality that misery is better shared. Flying monkeys love to use that thought process to get you to be miserable WITH them. Narcs don't change- and they don't become any less poisonous when you're in a relationship close to them with another person. It's just as deadly for you as if you were at close quarters all on your own doing. In my own experience, the monkeys love dragging you down with them into their shit-hole. Pardon the language.

Avoid avoid avoid.


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