Just Desserts

Lately I've been doing more than hoping the N's will just stay silent and go away all on their own (as if). I'm not a praying kind, not after all I've been through at the hands of "Christians". But maybe I'm just too far removed from their grasp to think differently. Lately, I confess I've been praying and hoping and wishing they would die or some harm would befall them. That justice would be served by death if possible, one of the only ways we can truly not have to worry anymore about being tied financially to something DH can't touch until their passing.
As I said before, I'm not much of a Christian- but I do believe in just desserts. Retribution in the next life if not this one. But for me, this one will do just fine ;)
 I unashamedly admit I wish they were no longer on this earth. I admit it would make me happy to hear their evil ways couldn't touch another in the years to come.
 Wishful thinking, huh?


  1. I did a Happy Dance the day I learned Psychob was dead. There were times when I really thought she was gonna out-live me as I've had some serious health crises since my 30's-which likely started in my 20's. Knowing how she would absolutely leverage my death despite years/decades of NC for pity from others was a daunting prospect: If they can play others for sympathy/pity, they're in their glory and their Con Opportunities increase exponentially. Since Psychob was such a disgusting parasite for the remaining 30 yrs. post Dad's divorcing her, she re-framed this not at all surprising event as, "He DESERTED his FAMILY!" (ahhh, NO! he most certainly did NOT!) However, she continued to play her Bag Lady Role throughout these years because he left her "Penniless."
    Much to the great surprise of those who bought into this Con, the month of her death she had over seven figures in her checking account alone after her monthly bills were paid. This was the residue of the money she had stolen/extorted from Dad during the divorce.
    She was an utterly shameless, lying Con with the typically criminal mindset characteristic of CBs. I must admit I was truly entertained by the responses of the saps who bought into her perfidy when her Will became a matter of public record.
    And personal chagrin for those she had successfully duped for decades.
    If they simply could not "understand WHY" I left her in the dust years previously (and no, I never "explained" or JADE-ed my NC decision to others/minions) I do believe they received quite the Wake-Up call.
    The best part? I didn't "have to" do a thing: Just sit tight, keep my own counsel and Truth and remember, Ms. G., the end of this story has not been written by a long shot!
    Truly, the trail of wrecked and ruined lives they leave in their wake is stunning both in it's chronicity and severity.

  2. Thanks TW- wise words as always :) Very true! Truth wins out in the end! A life lived poorly and full of negativity can't help but end badly.


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