Andddd- they're back

I knew it wouldn't be long and I was right. (as usual- scary when it comes to N's- waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen but not knowing what) Hey, at least now we know.

Remember last year's tax fiasco? That went on for months? It's happening again. And now I think I know why- or at least have some guesses.

Hubby is tied to the in laws with a K1- something he HAS to pay taxes on every year that is dependent on them getting their sh*t together. If they drop the ball on this he can potentially get prosecuted although our taxes together as a couple are done and managed with time to spare. The details for this year's taxes were supposed to be finalized in October so this mistake wouldn't repeat itself in April.

I was just informed NMIL called my dad at work to tell him they have to send us an urgent tax form request- they never finished it like they said they would months ago. Cue the stress. Now they have to overnight something to us to overnight back to THEM and the information they ask for possibly has details of our bank account over the past two years. DH is going to try to work with the tax person handling this instead of his parents- last year they gave him the wrong contact information for the person (seemingly making it harder to work around talking to THEM apparently).

I'm fuming.

1- THEY HAVE OUR PO BOX- they know perfectly well where to reach us even if it was overnight mail. No matter the urgency they know where to send it. No need to contact my dad.

2- they contacted my dad. Really?! He hates them with a passion so he only said he'd relay the information on to us and they could send on the overnight mail to his house- not giving them squat about our address or current phone numbers. The thing is my dad has my mom's old cell so apparently the N-whore tried to contact my mom in this way- similarly to her fuming and trying to pump out the 'dirt' on me during our engagement. I believe they have not spoken to my parents since this phone call nearly two years ago.

3- bank account information- really? Who knows who this tax person is but I'd wager he's in on their schemes as well and wouldn't trust him with any information from us. DH is going to work with him by barring his phone number or creating a random email just for this purpose. There's no way the N's will have intimate knowledge of our bank statements from the past two years. No way in hell.

Why did it take so long? Why is this not been done since last fall? Personally, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this wasn't true but rather a ploy to cause drama and MAKE hubby go back to dealing with them. I think this is shown in the way they've gone about it for the past two years. Making it harder to contact the tax agent than it needs to be by referring him to the wrong person. Or worse. A person in the company that is undoubtedly aware of the suits and other proceedings that are *still* not processed by the court from what I found out months ago via snooping into the business's legal history.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it took so long because they have to hide so much from the government. They have to fudge the books to make it look accurate. I wouldn't put it past them. I also wouldn't put it past them to purposefully leave this undone til the last moment just to drag hubby into it.

We're both sick and tired of this crap. I'm urging DH to terminate any legal ties to the company if it's in his power to do so. I'm not sure it is. In this day and age though, I feel no one should have to be tied to paying taxes for a share that he doesn't even want to be a part of anymore. We're losing money, however small, by having to do this until they bite the dust and we get whatever pennies are left over from the implosion of the company. I don't want to be tied to them legally in any way. I hope we don't need to get their approval to terminate the tie. It'll never happen.

Doesn't God do old-fashioned smiting anymore? Leave my family alone. They hate you too and you're not doing any favors by thinking you can outsmart us. Honey, that ship sailed a long time ago. You have our contact information we set up during the no contact phase for cases such as this. Use it- because you're not getting anything else.


  1. IMO, you nailed it, Ms. G: "...a ploy to cause drama and MAKE hubby go back to dealing with them." Yep, absotively. I was thinking about this whole mess and your idea about speaking with the Accountant-who ever that is: A potential flying monkey? Legit "Accountant?" Sounds like a very shady "business" anyway that could land you guys in hot water w/the IRS. I still think they set this "business arrangement" up intentionally to keep their "kids" tethered to them indefinitely as well as ensure they'd "prosper" from what ever benefits they could reap from bending the tax code until it breaks.
    If you live in a more urban area, here's an idea: Generally, there are low cost legal clinics in most cities/metro areas. I *know* money is super tight right now, but I was thinking of a way to get him-and you, by extension-off the hook for what ever mess they're creating. If you can access one of the clinics, they'd be able to help DH un-hook himself completely from the whole "business" mess without having to deal with his NFOO directly. An Accountant really can't help much with that stuff, yk? I'd be worried to death about the implications of being legally associated with a "bid'ness" that's shady at best. No, there's not a snowball's chance anyone gets a look at your personal financial affairs, no way! So there's an option, OK?
    Also, I was digging around yesterday for a particular Post on Anna V's Blog-Narcissists Suck-for you and finally found it:
    "No Contact: Because Their Evil is Contagious" Mon. Feb.2, '09. For your reading enjoyment and please take a read through the comments as well. I know you're not sleeping well so I thought I'd respectfully offer some good readin' while I *hope* you're ensconced on the couch/bed and resting when you can.
    Your Dad really handled them soooo well. (Good Dad! Good Goin'!) They don't give up easily as you can see Ms. G, but over time the consistency of your NC responses closes all quasi-legitimate ways of "reaching out"-BLAAAA!!! (and BS too!)

  2. Thanks TW- will read that later tonight :)
    Found out the accountant dealing with this is an actual tax representative- not that that means anything, right? Office or not I have no clue who this guy is or how he knows the family. He said he was legally bound to keep all DH's information private even from his parents but to me- that's just not enough to be secure in that. Hubby talked with him today and the guy went on about the K1 being a great asset to us, etc, etc, blah de blah. Our collective response is 'we don't f*cking care'! Even IF it were to ever pan out to be worth millions which it won't- I'd much rather live cheaply for years ahead of us and sleep well at night.
    The N's sent the tax packet to my parent's house and it 'won't get there til tomorrow'- ummm- what happened to overnight shipping??? Seems to me they can't afford to lose time here but they're doing it anyway to see if we won't contact them last minute with our details.

    I don't get why they're playing SO stupid right now. We sent out a mass email to all the flying monkeys with our new contact information (not our personal information by any means)- months ago. Don't tell me the chain in communication goes one way and the monkeys dropped this juicy tidbit of where to mail things to us.

    I warned DH in his dealing right now to NOT mention a word of dropping off the K1 until after this is all settled. Also Hubby's coworker/friend knows someone we can talk to about legal matters since she used to work for a place dealing with exactly such things. Fingers crossed for that to come through!
    - Ms. G ;)

  3. Take it from me After years of you performing this service for them. If there is a way they can disinherit you at the end of the line they'll find it and do it.

  4. Hope you can get rid of it asap, so you won't have to deal with it next year!


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